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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Hieu H. Huynh

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Everything posted by Hieu H. Huynh

  1. Debate can continue until the members have exhausted their right to debate or the assembly decides otherwise.
  2. And the way to do that is to obtain the floor after the report is done and make the motion at that time.
  3. Perhaps a board member could be elected president or vice president and then will no longer be president or vice president when that person is no longer a board member.
  4. Anyone who is eligible according to the bylaws could be elected. In this case, the question remains on whether an eligibility requirement is to be on the board.
  5. And the above quote is found in the Introduction of RONR on page l (lowercase "L").
  6. In RONR, it's one member, one vote. Since your rules allow for something different, it will be up to your association to determine the details for that situation.
  7. Yes, the meeting time could be fixed by a standing rule. It appears I had given the vote required for special rules of order.
  8. No rule in RONR prohibits it. Your rules might. Do you have to be a board member to be president or vice president?
  9. You could give notice of this proposed rule and at the meeting, adopt it by a two-thirds vote. Or alternatively, this rule could be adopted by a vote of a majority of the entire membership.
  10. The assembly could decide the order of business (also see FAQ #14).
  11. The parliamentarian doesn't do anything except provide advice. It is up to the assembly to decide.
  12. Whoever gets elected at the next elections. For the meetings, the assembly could decide who would chair the meeting.
  13. I think discussion of these questions may be beyond the scope of this forum. Each society can decide whatever rules it wants.
  14. Official Interpretations 2006-12 and 2006-13 may also be of use.
  15. What was the decision made by the general membership?
  16. Ultimately it is up to your organization to interpret your bylaws.
  17. Also, what is in these reports?
  18. What do you mean by "suspended our meetings" and what does that have to do with the Foundation making a report? Who is the Foundation reporting to?
  19. What would you do in a regular meeting that you wouldn't do in your "workshop"? Perhaps you could use the less formal rules for small boards.
  20. In RONR, the minimum officers for conducting business are a presiding officer and a secretary. Other required officers would be specified in your bylaws.
  21. Also, all members have the rights of membership.
  22. Anyone who is eligible for office according to your bylaws could be elected.
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