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New to RONR, Want to learn! Help!!


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I am new to RONR, but need to learn a proper procedure, and have the text to back it up. Our local GOP is having a vote on new officers on Saturday, March 14th, and they have selected a slate of officers to be considered. They also say nominations may be made from the floor. If one challenges a slate, is that done with a new slate of officers?  One person I have spoken to has related to me that a challenge to a slate must be only 1 person for 1 office, rather than challenging each office nomination, if needed. I am concerned that I am hearing possible political expediency rather than proper knowledge. 

I do understand that, if officers are presented by office, that we can vote on chair, vice chair, etc. per office, but I do not understand how to proceed if the nominating committee wants the entire slate elected at once, rather than by each office. 

Please help this novice by giving me sound, understandable advice that may get us through this election of officers. My personal opinion is that elections should be held by office rather than by a slate, but I need more understanding.


Thank you,



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If you don't want someone elected to an office, nominate someone else for that office and vote for him.


It makes no difference at all what the nominating committee wants as far as voting up or down on its entire slate of nominees. Each office must be voted on separately upon the demand of any member (RONR, 11th ed., pp. 274-75).


I suggest you read Section 46 in RONR, 11th ed., as soon as you can. It won't take long.

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And for an overview of Parl-Proc, pick up a copy of  RONRIB:

"Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief", Updated Second Edition (Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2011). It is a splendid summary of all the rules you will really need in all but the most exceptional situations. And only $7.50! You can read it in an evening. Get both RONRIB and RONR (scroll down) at this link. Or in your local bookstore.

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Our local GOP is having a vote on new officers on Saturday, March 14th, and they have selected a slate of officers to be considered. They also say nominations may be made from the floor. If one challenges a slate, is that done with a new slate of officers?  One person I have spoken to has related to me that a challenge to a slate must be only 1 person for 1 office, rather than challenging each office nomination, if needed. 


You would do well to banish the s-word from your vocabulary. The nominating committee's report consists of a list of individual candidates for individual offices.

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It makes no difference at all what the nominating committee wants as far as voting up or down on its entire slate of nominees. Each office must be voted on separately upon the demand of any member (RONR, 11th ed., pp. 274-75).

So this is NOT a Division of a Question? This is good though because it is on the demand of ONE member which means it requires no vote and is automatic.(Have your copy of RONR ready to cite! when you raise your point of order.)
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So this is NOT a Division of a Question? This is good though because it is on the demand of ONE member which means it requires no vote and is automatic.(Have your copy of RONR ready to cite! when you raise your point of order.)


Yes, it is a division of a question. That's why it's in the Section in RONR called "Division of a Question".

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Yes, it is a division of a question. That's why it's in the Section in RONR called "Division of a Question".

I get it now I think. The line "The Motion for Division of a Question is not used." had me confused. I started thinking maybe there was a typo. The question is divided upon demand of a single member. So the motion for Division of a Question is not used which would require a vote, etc.

Is this still technically considered a motion even though its not being moved to divide the question, its being demanded to divide the question?

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