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Guest howard chaiet (hbchaiet@ao

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If a memeber of a Board votes no and the motion pases, can the Board member request that the reason a negative vote was cast be included in the minutes. hbchaiet@aol.com

In the general case, such a request is dilatory and out of order. The minutes are the official journal of the assembly's proceedings, not the personal journal of an individual, disgruntled member who is on the losing side of a question.

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In the general case, such a request is dilatory and out of order. The minutes are the official journal of the assembly's proceedings, not the personal journal of an individual, disgruntled member who is on the losing side of a question.

Who says he's disgruntled? Considering some of the motions we've read about here that get adopted, there are a couple I wouldn't want my name attached to as part of the assembly that adopted it (I'm not a fan of going to court). But no matter, in the general case and as long as the system isn't being abused, and unless Rob is presiding, the request can be granted by unanimous consent or a majority vote.

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Who says he's disgruntled? Considering some of the motions we've read about here that get adopted, there are a couple I wouldn't want my name attached to as part of the assembly that adopted it (I'm not a fan of going to court). But no matter, in the general case and as long as the system isn't being abused, and unless Rob is presiding, the request can be granted by unanimous consent or a majority vote.

If members were properly trained, those on the losing side of a question would ("gracefully"!) channel their energies to "...secure its repeal", RONR (10th ed.), p. xliv, rather than make pointless requests to clutter the minutes with things that have nothing to do with what the assembly actually decided.

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If members were properly trained, those on the losing side of a question would ("gracefully"!) channel their energies to "...secure its repeal", RONR (10th ed.), p. xliv, rather than make pointless requests to clutter the minutes with things that have nothing to do with what the assembly actually decided.

Until you train them, I agree with Chris H. (what's new about that?)

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If a memeber of a Board votes no and the motion pases, can the Board member request that the reason a negative vote was cast be included in the minutes. hbchaiet@aol.com

They can request it but it should not be allowed. The member could have moved for a roll-call vote if it was important to know who voted how. Asking that only one member's vote be recorded is frivolous.

And it is certainly not in order to include the reasons for a vote in the minutes. Doing so is tantamount to recording debate in the minutes, which is improper. It is not even in order for a member to verbally explain the reason why they voted a certain way. Debate should take place during debate, when it at least has a chance of doing some good.

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The usual reason is because the board member thinks it's a terrible decision and wants to be able to say "I TOLD YOU SO" when the motion is executed and it turns out bad.

I agree with the above that it should not be entertained, although one organization I was secretary to once had it in the bylaws that "decisions shall be by consensus in the first instance, and thereafter with a majority vote; in the event of a tie, the chair shall have a second casting vote, and after a vote on a resolution, a member opposed to the resolution may have his dissent noted in the minutes".

This offends my sensibilities in so many ways :(

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