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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Hieu H. Huynh

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Everything posted by Hieu H. Huynh

  1. If the bylaws were amended to include this rule, they could be amended again to remove this rule.
  2. And whether he can do that depends on the details of the motion.
  3. More details may be helpful to answer your question.
  4. Generally nonmembers of the board have no rights at board meetings. You may need permission from the board to speak.
  5. Elect new board members who will get it done. Or discipline those responsible for not getting it done.
  6. And here is the original thread. Revised to indicate that the threads have now been combined.
  7. If there is a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president automatically becomes president unless your bylaws provide otherwise.
  8. The rules could be suspended at each meeting to allow somesone else to chair it.
  9. RONR does not require listing the members in attendance for the minutes.
  10. The president has such authority only insofar as the bylaws provide it (RONR 11th ed., p. 456, ll. 27-28).
  11. No, unless your rules provide for it.
  12. Perhaps its consideration could have been postponed.
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