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Hieu H. Huynh

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Everything posted by Hieu H. Huynh

  1. See "Duties of the Presiding Officer of an Assembly" in RONR 11th ed., pp. 449-450. Your bylaws may have additional duties.
  2. At a board meeting, the board could exclude nonmembers of the board at any time, unless your rules say otherwise.
  3. Whether it is appropriate for the chair to make nominations depends on the situation. What are the nominations for?
  4. If the electronic voting is a form of absentee voting, see "Absentee voting" in RONR 11th ed., p. 423.
  5. Yes, electronic voting must be authorized in the bylaws.
  6. Please post as a new topic. Edited to add that a new topic was posted here.
  7. No. The assembly could vote to have someone else preside.
  8. See "Contesting the announced result of an election" in RONR 11th ed., pp. 444-446.
  9. The board cannot change the results of an election by the membership unless the bylaws give the board such power.
  10. If that is what is desired, why couldn't you simply strike out the requirement for board approval from the bylaws?
  11. If you are no longer eligible for office according to the bylaws, then you are no longer eligible for office.
  12. Do your rules require the chair to not vote (see FAQ #1)?
  13. This is in Section 26 of the 1915 (4th) edition of Robert's Rules. The current edition is the 11th edition, which is not available online.
  14. No, the bylaws could be amended only by following the procedures in the bylaws for their amendment.
  15. At the next meeting, raise a point of order about the absence of a quorum and provide clear and convincing proof. The chair would make a ruling on the point of order and the ruling is subject to appeal.
  16. From the thread title: "Is an Election considered Business?" Yes. See "Nominations and Elections" in RONR 11th ed., starting on p. 430.
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