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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Hieu H. Huynh

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Everything posted by Hieu H. Huynh

  1. The facts are not clear to me. Who is having these meetings? What do you mean by assigned positions?
  2. Do your bylaws prohibit write in votes? What about nominations from the floor?
  3. It appears Guest Lee was responding to the initial response in this thread.
  4. Please post as a new topic.
  5. No. The assembly could decide to go into executive session.
  6. How would there be a ballot box for email?
  7. The minutes could be corrected later (see RONR 11th ed, p. 475).
  8. Was the motion adopted? Would you provide more details on this motion?
  9. Ultimately it is up to your organization to interpret your bylaws.
  10. Minutes are a record of what was done at a meeting. What was done outside of a meeting would not be in the minutes.
  11. See "Breaches of order by members in a meeting" in RONR 11th ed., starting on p. 645.
  12. How does he have a monopoly of proxies?
  13. I would think that it is up to the organization to decide if the director will serve a new term.
  14. Yes. Perhaps the In Brief book may be of use.
  15. A defeated motion could be renewed at a later meeting. It could not be renewed at the same meeting.
  16. Not passing the gavel back does not affect the validity of an adopted motion.
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